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About Our School

The staff of Waterford-Halfmoon Elementary School believes the purpose of our school is to present a high-quality education to all students equally and fairly, emphasizing individual learning so each student has the opportunity to achieve his or her full potential. With positive support from all members of the school community, a large quantity of experiences will help foster this potential.

We strongly encourage and present opportunities for positive growth in social/emotional behaviors and attitudes. In this way, our students can learn to live successfully in society.

We accept the responsibility to work toward these goals. Our success will be measured by student growth in both cognitive and affective areas. Student growth in each area will be observed using both formal instruments and informal procedures.

As a Waterford-Halfmoon student, I will do my best to follow the four B's:

-I will be respectful to students and adults
-I will be responsible for my schoolwork and actions
-I will show positive behavior and attitude at all times
-I will be the best learner I can be.

To reach your child in an emergency, call the elementary office and leave a message with the secretary.  If you need to contact a teacher, please call the elementary office and leave a message with the secretary. The teacher will return the call as soon as he/she is available.  Students ' use of the telephone will be restricted. 

Grades K-6 – 8:30 am–3:00 pm
-Children arriving by car should be dropped off no earlier than 8:15 AM.
-Parents who choose to pick up their children must come to the Elementary Office. The children will be released no earlier than 2:50 pm on a regular basis.
Please see Policies for more information on student dismissal.

Students in all grades have nightly homework. After initial instruction is given, new concepts need to be put into practice so the skill becomes automatic. Since new concepts in some areas are presented each day, homework becomes essential and is given regularly.

The success of the homework program depends on the cooperative efforts of students, parents, teachers, and administrators. Some suggestions to help your child succeed include:

-Provide a study area that is quiet, well-lit, comfortable, and contains the materials necessary to complete assignments (i.e. paper and pencils).
-Develop a daily schedule for your child to complete his or her homework each night.
-Encourage your child to develop increased independence.
-Check your child's work for quality and completion, but do not do the work for your child.
-Encourage responsibility for making up missed assignments due to absence.
-Assist your child in developing organizational skills such as putting completed assignments in a homework folder.
-Share your knowledge with your child, and develop your own learning activities at home, in the car, or the community.
-Students are expected to submit homework promptly. Grade-level homework policy will be discussed with parents during the annual Open House. Homework assignment notebooks for grades 3 -6 are distributed at the beginning of the school year.

If a child will be out of school for a prolonged amount of time due to illness, parents should notify the school so that homework packets can be prepared.

Teachers send home weekly and bi-weekly folders to keep parents aware of their child's progress. They are formally advised on a 10-week basis, and report cards are issued for grades K-6 in November, March, and June. The marking system is explained on the individual report cards. We encourage parents to make use of the comment section on the signature card.

The school provides an opportunity for parents to confer with their child's teachers in grades K-6 during November. It is extremely important to meet your child's teacher to establish good lines of communication between home and school. Parents and/or teachers may choose to arrange additional conferences during the school year. If this need arises, please arrange a mutually convenient time in advance. Due to prior commitments, teachers may not always be available for immediate conferences.

Only parents or legal guardians will be provided with legal record of students. Teachers are responsible to conference with parents/guardians only.

Most of our classes have children who need to leave the regular classroom for additional support in various areas: speech, math, reading, gifted and talented, etc. A "work-study" time (30-45 minutes) provides this space so that no formal instruction is missed by any child. Students who do not have to leave the room get to have extra help and work on additional projects during this period.

A great deal of time and consideration is given to students' placement in each classroom. In April, we ask parents to complete a form that lists relevant information for their child's placement for the following year. This information might include the name of the child's best friend, his or her special interests, his or her strengths and/or weaknesses, etc. The teachers who have worked with your child during the year then use this information to select a classroom teaching style that will complement your child's learning style.

Your child's final report card in June will list his or her grade for the following year. Parents will be notified of their child's teacher assignment and homeroom during the summer.

Our wish is for all students to make suitable progress and achieve a level of proficiency that enables them to be promoted to the next grade level. However, there are cases when students do not achieve the desired level of proficiency and should be retained at the same grade level.

In such cases, school officials will hold a conference with the child's parent or guardian to present information on the student's progress/proficiency and recommendations for retention.

If the parent or guardian does not support the district's recommendations for retention, the child will be promoted to the next grade level. The parents must write a letter indicating their wishes and assume responsibility for the child's achievement for the following year. Should the child not succeed once again, he or she may not go on to the next grade level.



2024-25 Supply Lists


Elementary Principal
Joseph Siracuse
(518) 237-0800 x3501