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Club By-Laws

Waterford-Halfmoon Sports Booster Club 501(c)(3) By-Laws

Article 1 – Name

The name of the organization will be Waterford-Halfmoon Sports Booster Club, Inc., but may also be referred to as Sports Booster.

Article 2 – General Purpose and Specific Objectives

The general purpose of The Sports Booster Club is to support and promote all formal sport activities of Waterford-Halfmoon Jr/Sr High School athletic programs.

The specific objectives of the Sports Booster:

  1. To encourage and recognize high scholastic achievement, sportsmanship, and character
  2. To contribute to the morale, spirit, and enthusiasm of the student body and community
  3. To increase student awareness of and participation in Waterford-Halfmoon Jr/Sr High School athletic programs
  4. To provide an additional funding source to enhance the athletic programs and participant experience
  5. To encourage parent and community involvement with the school and its athletic programs
  6. To provide support and assistance to the athletes and coaches to obtain these objectives

Article 3 – Membership

  1. Membership in the Sports Booster shall be open to:
    1. All interested residents of the Waterford-Halfmoon School District, 18 years of age or older
    2. Parents/legal guardians and/or direct family members (age 18 and older) of current student-athletes at Waterford-Halfmoon High School, regardless of their place of residence.
    3. Members of the staff of Waterford-Halfmoon Middle/Senior High School, regardless of their place of residence.
    4. All graduates and alumni, regardless of their place of residence.
    5. All current/active Waterford-Halfmoon sports team coaches, regardless of their place of residence.
  2. All members of the organization are encouraged to attend General Membership meetings, join committees of the organization and bring forth issues and recommendations for the good of the organization. The General Membership is responsible for the election of Officers and approving any amendment of the organization’s By-Laws.
  3. The General Membership of the Sports Booster will meet once a month during the school year. The President will have the power to call special General Membership and/or Executive Board meetings at the President’s discretion.
  4.  Membership in the Sports Booster will entitle each member in good standing to one vote on any issue that comes before the Sports Booster at a designated membership meeting at which the member is present.
  5. A member is considered to be in good standing as long as they have attended a minimum of three meetings during the current school year. At the beginning of each school year this rule takes effect at the third meeting.
  6. Members will be accepted throughout the year, but in order to qualify for voting privileges, a member must attend at least three General Membership meetings, qualifying them as a member in good standing, as of date of vote.

Article 4 – Board of Officers (Executive Committee)

  1. The officers of the Sports Booster will consist of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who will be members of the Sports Booster in good standing.
  2. All positions will be elected positions. Nominations and elections of all the candidates to Board of Officers will be presented at the June General Membership meeting. The term of all offices is one year, to run from July to June.
  3. Vacancies occurring during the year will be filled by appointment by the remaining Officers. Vacancies must be filled within 60 days of the date of resignation. The appointee will serve the remainder of the term.
  4. Officers must be members in good standings with the Sports Booster and must be residents of the Waterford-Halfmoon Union Free School District.

Article 5 – Duties of the Officers

The Executive Committee of the Sports Booster, as a whole, is responsible for yearly approval of the Sports Booster budget and yearly review of the Sports Boosters By-Laws. The Executive Committee also maintains the right to initiate changes directly related to the operation of the Sports Boosters without prior General Membership approval or vote.


  1. Will preside at all meetings of the General Membership and Officers.
  2. Will manage the business of the Sports Booster.
  3. Will prepare the agenda for each meeting.
  4. Will be a member of all committees.
  5. Will co-approve payments authorized through the Treasurer of the Sports Booster. The President is also authorized to sign checks and approve payments individually.
  6. Will handle all tax filings and see that tax documents are submitted on time (taxable year follows the calendar year January 1 to December 31). Form 990s are due by May 15th.

Vice President:

  1. Will share in the duties of the President.
  2. Will handle any special projects assigned by the President and approved by the Board of Officers.
  3. In the absence of the President, the Vice President will assume the duties of the President.
  4. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice President will assume the duties of the office.


  1. Will attend all meetings of the General Membership and of the Board of Officers.
  2. Will maintain an accurate written record of all meetings and votes and present minutes at the next General Membership meeting for approval. These records will be kept in a book specifically for this purpose.
  3. Will obtain and complete “School Use Forms” required for activities utilizing Waterford-Halfmoon School District property and facilities.
  4. Will secure all contact information to include telephone, cell phone and e-mail addresses (with permission) of all Officers and Committee chairpersons for the Sports Booster. This roster will be made available to the Officers to facilitate expeditious communication between the Board members.
  5. 5.Will collect all signatures of General Members attending each meeting and maintain attendance records to monitor members in good standing.


  1. Will have custody of the Sports Booster funds
  2. Will keep full and accurate account of all receipts and disbursements in the Sports Booster books.
  3. Will deposit all money in the name and to the credit of the Sports Booster in such depository as may be designated by the Board of Officers.
  4. Will disburse the funds and write checks for the Sports Booster that may be authorized by the Board of Officers and preserve proper vouchers for such disbursements.
    1. Treasurer is authorized to sign checks and approve payments individually.
  5. Will render a full financial report at the General Membership meetings.
  6. Will request and obtains all statements and receipts required to complete all financial transactions of the Sports Booster.
  7. Will participate in an annual audit to be conducted with all Board of Officer members.
  8. Will accept and monitor deposit of and withdrawal of funds from individual sports teams/coaches.

Article 6 – General Membership Meetings

  1. General Membership meetings will be held once a month during the school year. The dates and times of these meetings will be published on the Sport Booster’s Facebook and emailed to all members each month.  Meetings will be held in the school cafeteria, unless otherwise noted on the booster schedule. Dates are subject to change as situations arise.
  2. All team coaches as well as the Athletic Director are welcome to attend the General Membership meetings. The Coaches and Athletic Director will not have a vote unless they are a Sports Booster member in good standing.Members will log-in their attendance to General Membership meetings of the Sports Booster so an accurate record of their attendance can be properly maintained.
  3. Any new business to be proposed for General Membership action must be presented to a Sports Booster Officer and to the President prior to the meeting so it can be added to the agenda. If it is determined that the matter requires Officer action, it may be handled in that manner with full discussion. If the matter requires full General Membership action, it will be placed on the agenda as soon as possible.

Article 7 – Funds

Team requests for funds must be submitted by the Coach or Team Representative to the Athletic Director. If request is approved as appropriate by the Athletic Director, in writing, a Board Officer must be notified by the team representative or coach in advance of the upcoming meeting in order to guarantee the item is placed on the agenda. All requests for funds will be considered on a case by case basis and will not be automatically granted.

  1. Requests for funds under $100.00 may be approved directly by majority rule of the Board of Officers of the Sports Booster.
  2. Votes for fundraising projects and dispersal of funds over $100.00 will be done by simple majority of active members in attendance of General Membership meetings.
  3. Fund requests by Committee Chairs will be determined by the Treasurer and will be based on past records and estimate of future need.
  4. No part of the net earnings of the Sports Booster shall be used to the benefit of or be distributable to its members or officers.
  5. Checks require the signature of either the Treasurer and President.
  6. Deposits and donations to the Sports Booster accounts are to be deposited and managed by the Treasurer.

 Article 8 – Fundraising

The Sports Booster operates for public purpose. Therefore the Sports Booster will not take part in fundraising that benefits individual members of the club. As defined below, the Sports Booster may not take part in cooperative fundraising but may take part in Fair Share donation fundraising.

Cooperative Fundraising

An organization joins together (cooperatively) to raise money and then credits the funds raised (or time spent volunteering) to the specific individuals who participated in raising the money, rather than the team, program, etc. as a whole. The accounts credited are known as “Individual fundraising accounts”. This type of activity is not considered a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt activity.

Fair Share Donation Plans

An organization advises parents/students of the cost of participating and encourages, but does not require, that contributions of a set amount be paid.

Article 9 – Social Media
One board member shall be designated as a social media “monitor” and will be granted administrative rights on social media, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, etc. The President shall also have administrative rights. All other members wishing to post to social media on behalf of the Sports Booster must have verbal or written consent from the monitor or president.

Article 10 – Dissolution
Upon dissolution of the organization, the board, after paying or making provision for the payment of the liabilities of the organization, shall distribute all the assets to the Waterford-Halfmoon High School, with the intent that the assets be used to further the purposes of the organization to benefit the athletic program.

Article 11 – Sports Booster Policies

  1. The Sports Booster operates under the auspices of the Waterford-Halfmoon School District. As such, the Sports Booster benefits by having use of District facilities and is covered by various insurance policies.
  2. The Sports Booster must be considerate of the administration with all communications, notices and posters. District policies must be complied with at all times.
  3. The Sports Booster is a supporter of the Waterford-Halfmoon Jr/Sr High School Athletic Program and has no input in the various aspects of the athletic programs.
  4. No Sports Booster volunteer will represent themselves as a Sports Booster spokesperson to anyone in the administration or staff without specific authorization or instruction from the President.
  5. Amendments to these By-Laws may be made by a majority vote of the members present (and in good standing) at any meeting and with proper notice to the General Membership.