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Homeless Services

Homeless Services and The McKinney-Vento Act

Every school district must appoint a homeless liaison to help children and youth in temporary housing participate in school.

The Mckinney-Vento Act covers children and youth who don’t have a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence, such as those living:

  • in an emergency or transitional shelter;
  • with friends or relatives due to loss of housing or economic hardship (doubled up);
  • in a motel, hotel, or campground;
  • in a car, bus or train station, or other public place;
  • in an abandoned building or some other inadequate accommodations; or
  • in temporary situations while awaiting foster care placement.

For more information on the McKinney-Vento Act, please contact Waterford-Halfmoon UFSD's homeless liaison, Christopher Scanlan at (518) 237-0800 x3601.